The significance of a strong and vibrant community in any NFT project cannot be overstated. Many of the most successful NFT projects have at their core a thriving community that is dedicated to the project and passionate about its success. In recognition of this critical component of NFT projects, we have set out to build the best community possible through our DAO initiative.

A dedicated integrated website will be developed for the DAO, creating a space where the SVGB community can actively engage and participate. Additionally, our DAO is designed to foster a mutually beneficial relationship between the community and the project. Our goal is to create a community that is supportive, engaged, and invested in the success of the project, and to provide a roadmap for the development of such a community. In furtherance of this goal, we have made the decision to create a partnership between our DAO and a brain, which will help to guide the development of our community and ensure that it thrives.

But our efforts don't stop there. We have also established the Savage Bears Gold Pass, a program that provides opportunities for our most dedicated holders and community members to earn rewards and participate in exciting events. And, to help build our brand and create a strong identity for our community, we are investing in the development of the SVGB brand.

This is just the beginning...

At Savage Bears, we believe that the NFT universe is rich with potential for collaboration and innovation, and we are open to working with anyone who shares our vision. Whether you are an established NFT project or just getting started, we invite you to join us on our journey to create a community that is dynamic, supportive, and rewarding for all of its members. So come and join us, and let's win together!

Last updated